Who I am

My community and my family ignited my drive towards public service, and most recently I served in the Cape and Islands District Attorney’s Office. All my life and work experiences have reaffirmed my strong belief that any problem can be solved when a community comes together.

My family arrived on the Cape after World War II when my great-grandfather was appointed Group Commander at Otis Air Force Base. I learned the value of volunteerism early on from my parents, Liz Kenney Moakley and the late Captain Jack Moakley, who never turned down an opportunity to help a local organization or cause. My great uncle, Congressman Joe Moakley, taught me “no matter where life takes you, you never forget where you came from.”

After serving as Class President of Falmouth High School and earning the rank of Eagle Scout, I went on to the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service in Washington, DC. During my undergraduate years, I worked in the offices of State Rep. Tim Madden of Nantucket, and Congressman Jim McGovern of Worcester. Returning home, I paid my own way through the evening division of Suffolk Law School while working full time for the Suffolk County District Attorney.

After passing the bar exam, I started work as an Assistant DA for the Cape and Islands. My assignment included serving as the prosecutor for cases in the Martha’s Vineyard Juvenile Court and the Edgartown District Court. I’m particularly proud of working with DA Rob Galibois in establishing the Vineyard’s first Recovery Court, which addresses the root cause of repeat offenders struggling with addiction and represents a holistic approach to public safety.

I am grateful and excited to have been appointed by the Speaker of the House to the following committees for the 194th General Court. Each of these committees represents an area of important work for Massachusetts. I look forward to collaborating with my colleagues from across the state while bringing the voices of Falmouth, Martha’s Vineyard, Nantucket and Gosnold to the table.

  • Joint Committee on the Judiciary

  • Joint Committee on Tourism, Arts and Culture

  • Joint Committee on Children, Families Persons with Disabilities

  • Joint Committee on Advanced Information Technology, the Internet and Cybersecurity

  • House Committee on Federal Funding, Policy and Accountability